Document Life Just For You, I dare you.

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Something that is often pushed to the side lately is actually documenting my own life. It WAS my number one and became number 10000 when other parts of life and work became more important.

I do regret losing sight of documenting my kids for the last 2ish years, covid did bring that back when that’s all I could take photos of ha, and also gave me the skills of creating videos as well.

So this weekend I challenged myself, and anyone who was on my IG stories, to pick up the camera, any kind of camera and document the weekend as we saw it. One unexpected thing was that Norah wanted to join in and took about half of these photos that I’ve included below. She has an eye and I only directed her use of light and how it works within the camera. She’ll be better than me in no time.

Part of that challenge was also to edit in black and white. The thing with black and white is that it doesn’t always suit a photo. It has to be created on purpose. The composition and lighting play a big part. Black and white needs contrasting light and depth. So documenting everyday things, thinking about the story in a photo AND thinking about how it will look in B&W was just what my mind needed.

When was the last time you documented your life? You don’t need to have kids to have a reason.

Grab a camera and document what is going on. Look for light and shadows. Look for a story. Don’t direct the subject. Move yourself around the subject to adjust the image.

Go on. Dare ya.


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