My Top 5 Reasons why a Sunrise Couple Session in Brisbane should be on your list of things to do

It’s a love/hate relationship with Sunrise Sessions…. Forcing myself awake at times my body and brain does not want to be awake to produce some of the most loved photos I have ever taken. If you look at these ones you’ll see why I love it so much. The light when the sun is still asleep and the light after it’s just come up is my most favourite time to shoot - perhaps sunset is an easier time haha, but there’s just something about sunrise!

  1. The Sun Rises Over The Ocean: You get these beautiful photos with the sun coming up behind the couple - even on cloudy days, it is still so beautiful.

  2. Privacy: There are very little people around at sunrise - unlike at sunset. I’m not the only one who doesn’t want to wake up so early haha.

  3. Time: Although time is on the wrong side, the ticking clock of the rising sun causes us photographers to not overthink everything and the shoot ends up much more exciting.

  4. Make a day of it. After watching the sun rise together, the day is YOURS. You can take a hike together, hit up a local coffee shop you’ve never been to, and take in nature. Sunrise sessions really gift people the magic of time. Or you can head to work and still be on time hahaha.

  5. Stress Less. There’s a research paper that has proven watching the sun rise reduces stress. Done.

There are a heap more reasons… Watching the sunrise together while laughing, cuddling and having fun with create one of the best memories for you and you’ll have some stunning pieces of art works to go in your home as well!

Something I rarely do is show an entire photo gallery - so here’s one from start to finish of a sunrise couple session in Brisbane - You can pretty much see how my sessions work from start to finish.

Want photos like these? Click here ->

Ready to book in a couple session with your love?

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